Telaga Warna: The Beauty Lake in Dieng Wonosobo

Telaga Warna, is one of the mainstay attractions located in Dieng wonosobo, central java. This lake has the name Telaga color was not without cause, that is because this lake has a color that can change change. This lake is sometimes green, yellow and rainbow. This is because the lake contains a considerable amount of sulfur and when highlighted by sunlight then the color of the water will change color.

Color lake is also the largest lake in the plateau between other lake such as pengilon lake, merdada lake and many more. Telaga own color has an area of ​​approximately 3 times a soccer field.

Telaga color dieng located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea permkaan. The lake is also surrounded by beautiful hill hills suitable as a place for refreshing. If you want to get a sensation of more beauty, you can climb one of the hills in the lake warana. And the most popular are wind laments. From there you can sit on a rock while enjoying the lake color from the top of the hill.

The most recommended time to visit the lake color is in the morning until noon. Soalanya if you visit in the afternoon the possibility of the lake area in blanket with fog. If you visit the lake in the morning until noon then you will be able to see a really colored lake, because at that time the sun's rays are blazing hot.

In addition there is a beautiful lake, surround the lake there are also various caves that you can nikkmati, dinataranya semar cave, cave wells kumalasari cave, bride cave and also cave jaran. many uniqueness of each cave, like semar cave that has uniqueness there is a small pond in the cave and the water is believed to cure various diseases and jug can make the skin menjdi more cantih or ageless. In front of the semar cave there is also a semar statue that carries a jug.

History Or Legend Telaga Warna

In ancient times, there lived a King Suwartalaya and queen named Queen Purbamanah. They both lead a kingdom called Kutatanggeuhan Kingdom. King Suwartalaya and his wife led wisely and fairly. The people of Kutatanggeuhan also live in peace.

but there is something that disturbs the Queen's mind. Long married but he and Prabu have not been blessed with children. Therefore the queen often cries and looks sad. Seeing his wife once King Prabu also sad. Then Prabu went to the forest to pray to be immediately blessed with a child. And Finally lapse a few months later the queen can be pregnant and greeted with joy by the people.
telaga warna
Telaga Warna

9 months later was born a beautiful princess of a king. And gift the name Gilang Rukmini. King and Queen were very fond of their baby. King and queen always give what is requested by Gilang Rukmini. But it even makes the princess kings become very spoiled. If the wish is not met then the princess will be furious. Even so the prabu and queen still love him.

Time went on, until finally the princess will step on the age of 17. Mengtehui the princess will repeat the 17th year, the royal residents were busy coming to the kingdom to give hadia for the princess. Among the prizes given the prabu take a gold bullion and brought to the goldsmith to make a beautiful necklace for the princess.

And finally the birthday arrived. the residents gathered in the palace square and gladly awaited the presence of such a beautiful princess. After the princess is present, prabun [un immediately stands up and prepares to give a beautiful necklace beautiful to the princess. When the necklace is given to the princess, the princess refuses and throws the necklace to the ground. "I do not want this necklace, this necklace is ugly" said the princess.

Seeing the attitude of the princess, prabu and the residents were crying until their tears flooded the royal square tersbut. Until finally formed a beautiful lake from tears prabu cries and the inhabitants.

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